Thursday, July 30, 2009


am i a puppet? to be laughed at?
Guess what...i've just being laughed in ERL while i was reading my Dictionary yesterday...Please la..people don not read dictionary ker??hello..dont you realize how was great to read dictionary and not just to refer to the dictionary? dont you realize how far that you had been left behind if you do not read your dictionary? then.. whats the purpose of keep updating bunch of words if you are not reading it?..and you know what? this the best teacher i had so far..even one of my best friend i've ever spend my life was really inspiring me to whom i become today...You know who i am? (shout like Jacky Chan!!) I am the vocabularry dummies and hunger with words....enough said- respect other people- and i am not your laughing-stock.......

p/s: time to not treat your dictionary as your walking informer only...try to make a friend with it ,which you can carry out, not even while you are having a powwow date....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beware of your Plastic wares

Open your eyes widen with wonder to the articles about your daily plastic wares used at home...alamak...i have one of my favorite’s bottles at the office, that I’ve been used for almost 5 years. And today I have just realized the plastic number was 7!!!

7 is the most unpreferrable plastic wares in your contains the highest polycarbonate and polyvinyl chloride - which I believe at above 60 degree boiled water the BPA toxin from the P.C will mix into your drink!

Wah!!!...can you imagine, I’ve been practiced healthy and good life by drinking 2 litter of water per day, and I just found the container was killing me in silent... I have to immediately change my bottle. Goodbye to my lovely red bottle. Since you were threatening me whom i believe you will cause me and contributes my life with cancer...

Gosh!! Guys. Do check your plastic wares! Thanks to kak yanee for the info (that was taken by Steven's collections)....

Gosh!! Thanks to ALLAH...

p/s:- basic info – please check the number placed in triangle below the plastic wares – if the number shows 1,2,4 and 5…it was safe…but, avoid and throw your plastic wares if it show 3,6 and 7!..Do it now in order to safe your fortune!!!

Aku fikir....

Aku terfikir bahawa aku tidak mahu menulis buat masa ini..

tapi tahukah kamu, betapa kuat - geritannya dan betapa menggeletarnya jari jemariku setiap waktu untuk berkarya..

aku bukanlah sang pujangga yang mampu menyusun beribu madah dan bait-bait kata..

aku juga bukan juornalist yang mampu membuahkan idea-idea bernas untuk dikongsi bersama pembaca..

Aku fikir, aku mampu untuk tidak mahu menulis buat seketika kerana ada sesuatu yang perlu aku langsaikan daripada membuka Surrealistic ini untuk bermadah seperti biasa...

Apa yang bakal aku tempuhi, bukanlah seratus peratus keinginan aku..bukan juga yang aku impikan sebelum aku mencecah angka 30...dan kerana aku fikir, aku masih ada hati dan sedikit ruang untuk dunia ku yang satu itu.....

namun,aku tidak pernah terfikir bahawa Surrealistic ku ini adalah suatu pembaziran waktu..kerana Surrealistic ku ini sangat mendorong aku untuk keluar daripada duniaku yang satu itu kepada dunia ku yang berada disebaliknya...

jadi, aku fikir, aku tetap akan menulis untuk meredakan keinginan yang membuak terhadap karya dan penulisan..dan tidak terfikir pula aku yang aku sedang menulis walaupun tiada rasa keinginannya...

dan kerana AKU sentiasa FIKIR, aku masih mampu berfikir dan menghadapi segalanya selagi aku masih percaya kepadaNYA...amiin...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Arief at his granpa's gardern

Happy faces from Arief captured by my compact camera last two weeks during our visit to my parents' house which was so called my HOMETOWN - in Jay Bee...

The Real Kluang Station Coffe Cafe

More than 5 stars should be given to the Kluang Station Coffee Café…
We have been there for real! Though it was only a dilapidated canteen look and placed at one corner at the station stop, the feels was tremendously indescribable especially while you are having the toast bread with melted original butter (not majerin brand okeh!) plus kaya and original home made Kluang Station coffee for breakfast. (Iwas caffeinated by their coffee that day as i ordered more than 2 glasses of malam bantai tido jugak..)
Weekend was a normal day for ‘full house’ especially to the Singaporean people…They would dare to just disembarking train then having the best breakfast ever in Kluang town. (Not to say weird, as we are more freak than them towards foods!) For those two days in Kluang, we even got in line and waited to have our own breakfast…
This Chinese-run coffee cafe was run by Malay since 1938 and now they had opened a franchise in 1- utama and Ikano Power Center. (Run by the Kluangman's nephew I believed…hehehe) Ever wondered the origins of this outlet? Bet me! It will never be the same as the original Kluang Station Coffe café...(i had made my first step foot and tried once in Ikano but the unoriginal food menu served, was lead me to know how's the original taste would be)

Hey, Where else can you find a perfect place to dilly dally your time while having a breakfast and just looking at the train passing by, stop , and go just like that, kan?
Well, despite the modernity, believe me... This original Kluang Station Coffee café will be forever remains and retains its rustic appeal.
Before we waved our hand and get moved from Kluang, we bought the home made original coffee powder from this station as a self souveniour since they have not produce any fridge magnet yet! hehe
p/s: this is where you also can find the Malay words which had been spelt in old way! (eg,pletfom) (dan sadis sekali....percayalah! This is the best place untuk ternak lemak di badan..kehkehkeh)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Arief and his daddy's D200..

This moment was captured by my own compact camera while Arief was still 5 month old.

Look at him, how excited and enthusiast he was towards the new thing in his life. He puts his face with lots of curiousness (like always!). His mouth was never stop mumbling, and he could not stop his own hand, on pressing all the blinking buttons at the camera- to know how's it functioned I guess (which I think, I personally do not understand on how's some of the camera’s buttons works)… So sweet by looking at him, while he grown up. Seems like I could have no patience anymore on the other next best thing in my life….
He ended up his engrossment moments by enfolded his daddy’s D200.

As his daddy was always taking his pictures (since he was born), until today, we noticed that he already understand on what he should do while the camera is in front of his face and he will know when was the shutter will be pressed on. (He will do the nicest poise like his mummy’s always did...Hehehe)

This is the best moment -Arief with his daddy’s D200….

Monday, July 20, 2009

jauh di sudut hati ku....KASIHAN....

Sejak kebelakangan ini di ofis, banyak sekali cerita yang timbul fasal seorang staff yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam Hospital..Pelbagai versi, yang aku kira aku boleh ceritakan setiap satunya secara terperinci...(tapi aku bukanlah begitu orangnya, yang sanggup mencanang kepada semua orang tentang keburukan orang..kecuali meluahkan rasa kepada teman rapat aku sahaja)
Kebarangkalian, penduduk ofis di sini, faham dan mengerti siapakah yang aku sedang maksudkan..
Jauh di sudut hati aku, bukan untuk mendabik dada berasa gembira atau bertepuk tangan atas apa yang telah berlaku..tapi sejujurnya, timbul rasa kasihan kepada dia setelah apa yang menimpa dirinya...apakan daya, bila aku suarakan rasa kasihan, ada pula ayat2 bidasan yang menyangkal pandangan aku itu...
Kata orang "buat apa kau nak kesiankan dia..pernah dia kasihan kan orang?..lagi2 apa yang dia dah buat pada kawan-kawan kau dan termasuk diri kau sendiri"..kalau hendak ikutkan kata hati, memanglah perbuatan dia sungguh menyimpang dan sehinggakan dia sanggup menghancurkan periuk nasi orang...
Pendek kata, memang tak dapat dimaafakan setiap satu perbuatan dan percakapan dia...kata orang lagi, 'mungkin inilah masanya Tuhan hendak tunjukkan kebesaran DIA - supaya jangan mengkhianati orang, jangan suka busuk hati pada orang, jagan kacau periuk nasi orang"..dalam hati aku, sejujurnya, ayat2 itu, ada kebenarannya....
Bagi aku, cukup la aku sedar bahawa yang aku bukan di lahirkan untuk mencerca, berbuat jahat dan berbuat busuk kepada orang..kerana aku, dibesarkan dengan penuh didikan, hormat menghormati dan tidak berbuat jahat pada manusia lain....kerana aku, masih punyai pegangan..dan aku orang yang berSOLAT!....dan...percayalah..sebenarnya, Jauh di sudut hati aku, aku sangat sangat kasihan atas dirinya...
p/s: apa yang aku mampu lakukan, aku berdoa agar dia bertaubat dan memohon maaf atas apa yang telah dilakukannya..moga dia kembali ke pangkal jalan...dan tidak membuat kerosakkan sesama manusia....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

heartless vss heartbreaking

heartless vss heartbreaking
where was the heartbreaking that leads to heartlesssss....

Friday, July 17, 2009


This photo was taken on 23 February 2005, during Floral Festival at Putrajaya. It was happened to coincide for my trip to K.L. This is one of my memorable picture captured during the visit by my boyfriend (which was now becoming my hubby) and which was particularly I liked. A few with this were a candid moment. This was my first step to this gallery which now the gallery still remains as it is but the pictures were repeatedly changed. All in all, was definitely a show worth visiting because I love arts... I grew up with arts and even I was sharing the gift to do arts with my beloved hubby. Hope to grow Arief with this kind of talents..

p/s: can’t wait to get dingy ourselves with color again!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

MY hopes......

Arief - 10 month

Arief - 3 month

It’s been a while i did not write anything for him...

By looking at him now, was reminding me to my childhood time. How naive we were, and how was fun we've been grown up...
I was not so certain since my early days on given birth to him. Especially towards the feeling on becoming a ‘perfect’ parents...We both survived and strived for him, for not to living in our shadow when he grow up…He is free to decide his own future, his own career (as I personally will never encourage him to be an architect..eventhough my guts feling was repeatedly echoes in my head that he will also grown to be an arhitect ..hehe) and his own love…We were hopping that, we will always be there for him, to wipes away his innermost fear and insecurity in his life...and, I was hopping that he will be a person someday and could bring differences and helps us in future…
As a mother and parents, i was not hoping that he will gamble on us with his money, just enough to shower his own parents with love and are always be my hope...

pictures was taken from my hubby's bllog -

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I cried for this...

To my best friends ever..after today, we (yanee, k.shidah and i) will be alone in MAA..

Sri -
Walaupun 2 tahun jarak umur aku muda daripada dia, aku sangat berterima kasih sebab Sri menerima aku seperti sebaya dengan dia...dan boleh ber AKU kAU jer..hehe..Sri, ingat lagi waktu mula2 kau telefon aku dan beritahu aku tentang kehamilan kau..rasa bertuah bila kau call aku pasal news tu! The best part was- kau perkenalkan aku dekat Kak ti tukang jahit tu....sampai sekarang, Kak Ti selalu merealisasikan fesyen-fesyen yang aku sketch tu..hehehe
Terima kasih untuk cup cakes Sri tadi..aku sangat suka..cantik and man man ajer manisnya..hehehe..Sri, apa2 pun berlaku, aku tk nak hilang contact dgn kau..n sorry lama sangat ko tungu no phone datin Juma drpd aku..sbb aku ni selalu lupa nk mintak..hehehe
Kak Aida-
Kak aida banyak beri inspirasi utk aku terus berusaha..banyak hal-hal kerja, aku belajar daripada dia..dia banyak tolong aku utk projek aku (walaupun projek tu hampeh tk jalan) ..bagi dia, dunia ilmu, tiada penghujungnya...aku suka semangat Kak Aida yang suka belajar and majukan diri..dia dah ada Master..aku bila lagi??...
Seperti yang aku tulis sebelum ni..ini lah kawan dunia akhirat aku kat MAA..Afzan sangat cekal atas apa yang terjadi dalam hidup dia..dan selalu nangis jugak budak ni..hehehe..jangan marah..semangat Afzan dan rasa rendah diri yang dia ada, cukup membuat kan aku kagum dengan sikapnya...Afzan, walau apa pun kisah hidup kau, teruskan..aku yakin kau bahagia keluar dari MAA ni..
Kak Yusz-
Kak Yus banyak tolong aku sejak aku mula-mula menjejakkan kaki di MAA ni..masa tu aku duduk di tempat Edmund..bersama-sama Kak Hazian and Hafiz kat tempat Herna tu..Kak yus la byk tolong aku masa aku yang terkial2 waktu tu..budak fresh grade la katakan time tu....paling aku ingat dia tanya aku - "dina ada bawak cawan sendiri?" pelik kan aku ingat ayat ayat tu la membuat kan aku berterima kasih pada dia sebab hingga ke sekecil2 perkara dia suka ingatkan aku..and she was the first person who had a lunch together with me! Thnx banyak2...
Kak Lin-
Dulu, Dina tak pernah rapat dengan Kak Lin....masuk tahun kedua di MAA...aku mula berkawan rapat dengan kak Lin sampai la sekarang ni..sampaikan pregnant sama2 dan sama2 melahirkan anak..beza anak aku degan anak Kak Lin cuma satu hari..mcm plan2 je kan...Kak lin banyak ajar aku masa aku mengandungkan Arief..pendek kata, apa Kak Lin guna, aku pun guna..apa Kak Lin beli, aku pun beli..Kak Lin ni luas pengetahuan dia..heheheh..terima kasih Kak Lin..thnx jugak utk shopping2 kat nilai square hari tu!..hehehe
Kak Pah-
Kak Pah seorang yang sangat cekal dan berani...aku banyak belajar dari sikap dia untuk fight for yourself in order to survive in MAA...she is a very kind person dan sangat memahami aku...aku sangat berterima kasih pada Kak Pah sebab dialah yang mendorong aku untuk menjadi seorang projek arkitek..aku suka tanya macam2 soalan pasal kerja dengan dia...dia selalu betulkan grammar aku untuk minutes and surat2..agak2, kompem dia bosan denga soalan2 aku tu..kehkehkeh...tapi,aku bangga dapat berkawan dgn dia sebab dia pun one of stylo person in MAA...hahaha...sebab dia ni cantik la ada jer org busuk hati...but, atleast, she's leaving MAA with an honour..she got her bonus and i think, duit tu sangat berkat sebab dia sambung Master..Kak pah..i jealous tau you sambung are really inspiring me!..and i will never forget you as Arief's ibu susu....
p/s:i cried for this with torrent of sobs.. while i wrote their stories....

The Best I've Ever Had........

As i promise, i've edited this picture again with Sri's, K.Yus and K.Shidah's lovely...i know it appeared a little bit odd..but..who cares? long as it was perfectly matched with all of kepochies in one photos....

Now, only a few hours left before all my friends will be gone....only me, kak Yanee and Kak Shidah is still reamins as we are and continuing our journey in mundane..........................

Guys...with full of my heart,i would like to confess that i LOVE all of you! you are all my best friends and the BEST i've ever had.....

p/s: Salmi ku sayang..jgn marah..aku sedang cuba utk letak gamba kau n ezumi sekali..but inilah muka2 yg byk tolong aku sejak 3 thn aku di MAA..(i mean my bos ezumi...thnx to you too..i nk letak gamba you..nnti org konpius pulak jantina you..hehehe and....seems like only us left in pathetic!)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Harmoni de wajah in UTUSAN MALAYSIA...

hey,suddenly i have found this photo in my folder...memories still remains...Happy to be...
from left : Nadia, Nawar, Aida, Rohaya, Jamilah, Noraziah, Aishah, Jumaaty, Noorita, Rushdina, Anis and Yati...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


picture was taken from entries...thanx to Jana..

I was sketching for my next 'fashion sketch' entry..unfortunately, my scanner stucked again...and i think, i wont be able to publish any of my idea today..i've been thinking that i have to buy another scanner machine a.s.a.p (which i think, the scanner helped me a lot on my fashion world and publishement)...

While regreting for the stucked scanner, i browsed to one of my favourite webpage which is hijab style was so many entries that i have miss out this many fashion style has been posted there...Her entries made me so addicted again to fashion world! cool huh??

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Conteng-conteng = Perkara sebegini kadang kala terjadi bila ku BOSAN dengan dunia ku yang satu itu......


After few month Malaysian music industrial had been hit out by a young song writer’s and guitarist called Yuna, now Zee Avi was suddenly conquering this huge world with her very indie songs ..

Both names are so adorable and wonderful in their great approach towards our entertainment world.. Yet, their songs are mostly in English!

As for Yuna, i love her very 'Norah Jones' style and same goes to Zee Avi which most likely likes 'Feist' country POP genre!

What a great world we have...

Yuna the great with her 'Dan Sebenarnya, Back-packing Europe, rockets etc...' and Zee Avi with her lovely songs ' Honey Bee, Kantoi, Bitter Heart etc…' (hey, Zee Avi was soo ‘feist’..coz feist got one of the song called Honey Honey... u should listen to it!)

Argh!! Awesome!! i'll play their songs with my own guitar.(tp, kat rumah je la) guyz..i think we should support our lovely singers cum songwriters ... and, i hope there will be less indonesian indie bands songs in radios coz we have both huge young talents in a Malaysian petite bodies to be highlighted for...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

30th june 2009 - pain...

picture was taken by EAR - venue : Secret Receipe....

Have you ever feel your heart being teared into pieces? and stabed by people with no reason?? yes.. it was very pain...
I did not ask for the pain..i did not want the pain continously drown me...
The bad news was, I hate on saying goodbye....and it was happenning again on last 30th of June... it was my second goodbye for my bestfriend ever in MAA..
GOSH! it was Kak Aida's turn on leaving the MAA...again i was crying so badly...deep inside my heart, i really wants to be like her..leaving with an honour from the HELL....but, i've no choice on -being patience is the best thing for me now...
p/s: Kak Aida, i know, you would have some times to browse my entries...if you read this, all i want you to know, life won't be easy without you in here....(seriously, i can not continue my was soo pain)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

i even sketch for my wedding outfit last two years....'s been a while i did not update any sketches in blog and facebook...i was so busy with my runway fashion show preparations for Puteris boutique, and best friends farewell (i'll update my blog with k.aida's story on leaving the MAA)...
as for some request for a wedding dress design from others,here i posted one of my own design.. this is my first touch actually (last two years)..
i had design for my own outfit for akad nikah...the material was given by my fiance (well, now he is my husband) during the engagement day... it was made by indian sifon with full of beads..and mix with soft sifon..all in off white...i made it three pieces..1. corset, made of white satin, 2. skirt, also made of white satin, add on flowery beads, 3. outer, made of indian sifon with full of beads...actually it was a bit daring to have transparent cloth outside..but, once in a life! hehehhe..taubat dah! 4. hijab's, also from Gulatis indian sifon..
i still remember how expensive the dress has been charged..even though it was my own design! was really in bad construction at first..i really piss off but, i did ask her to reconstruct as per my sketches..i did all in details..and i know, until now, she still keep my design sketch...but..its last, she manage to do it well..big applause for her...but, i will never recommend her to others...heheh..jahat betul aku ni...
but, the most pathetic thing was, i can not manage to find the whole outfit bad...i think i could not find one ...huh...
p/s:-well, i did not realize that i can design my own dress from that day and now, i realized that i can proove it to live!..hhehehe...
i actually proud to be myself on having the other side of me...Thnx God..( erk! tak salah kan )