Monday, August 17, 2009

Sarah Ariesya Khairul Anuar - 11 August 2009

Hi…it has been a while that I have been silence and absent from this blog. It was not that I want to be itinerant from ‘the other side of me’…or even I had running out of ideas…It was just a lot of jocundity had happened in my life lately...which I thought and realized that it was much more better and insurmountable feeling to be focused on rather than paying my time on writing or even face-booking…

Sarah Ariesya…
the most irresistible niece of mine, was born on 11 Aug 09. Her appearance was swapping away our long awaits and again she had brought us amusement...These are my first beautiful niece pictures which have been taken by my hand phone...
I was so happy to introduce her to the whole world. Sorry for a kind of blurry phone was not anti vibrating I guess… (well, look at my gorgeous boy…how happy he was when he managed to had his first touch towards Ariesya)…..Ariesya is so stunning as she really inbred and follow her parents mould…She got an amazing eyes...her charming smile bring so much jovial to her parents..
As for me, I’ve kept waiting and asking my self for a log time on how’s the feeling on becoming an aunty. Each time, and now I realized how happy I am and how much that I wanted to attached with her.
To my new baby born niece, I have to say that it is really pleasant feeling to be an aunt...I will try my best to be the sweetest aunty ever...please. Do remember my first kiss onto your warm pink cheek…We love you so much!

Erk!- don’t you realized?so much things happened in August?? My hubby, my hero Arief, Abg Ul, and Ariesya – and they have been LEOsisme…hehehhe

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