Open your eyes widen with wonder to the articles about your daily plastic wares used at home...alamak...i have one of my favorite’s bottles at the office, that I’ve been used for almost 5 years. And today I have just realized the plastic number was 7!!!
7 is the most unpreferrable plastic wares in your contains the highest polycarbonate and polyvinyl chloride - which I believe at above 60 degree boiled water the BPA toxin from the P.C will mix into your drink!
Wah!!!...can you imagine, I’ve been practiced healthy and good life by drinking 2 litter of water per day, and I just found the container was killing me in silent... I have to immediately change my bottle. Goodbye to my lovely red bottle. Since you were threatening me whom i believe you will cause me and contributes my life with cancer...
Gosh!! Guys. Do check your plastic wares! Thanks to kak yanee for the info (that was taken by Steven's collections)....
Gosh!! Thanks to ALLAH...
p/s:- basic info – please check the number placed in triangle below the plastic wares – if the number shows 1,2,4 and 5…it was safe…but, avoid and throw your plastic wares if it show 3,6 and 7!..Do it now in order to safe your fortune!!!
hehe... sebab tu pakai brg tupperware & jadi dealer sekali... now, macam2 benda yg jd factor to silent killer... (so, kalu nak barang tupperware, boleh contact i, harge boleh kasi discount.
hahaha...tu la.but until today, to be frank, i tk buang lagi bottle ni...i cubadapatkan tupperware tu..maybe i nk order dgn you tubler...ada catalogue?? hehe..kat sini pun boelh promote nih!
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