Towards the silent mode recently...sorry on my silenceness from the cyber world...another 3 mnth to go....i'll be re-activated soon with new updates in my blog and facebook!!....
1. I am pregnant about 6month +
2. I have an extra work load to taking care off -(endless crap!)
3. Committed myself more to my beloved hubby+son...
4. Not in mood of writing???huh??? - hope to end soon!!!
5. I have to get an extra rest...hmm...i guess...
6. I have cut the Broadband Celcom line? huh! this is interesting huh?? main reason of silentness from cyber world!
last but not least...Love all my followers!!!!.....
believe me my frens, my mind and hand were missing the keyboard, i have bundle of stories and picts to share with...